Rabu, 13 Juli 2011

New Look!

Finally, I changed my blog template after a long while since I use it. But, it still describes myself, it's simple, but more fresh and more beautiful, isn't it? So, how do you think? Do you like it? Hope you all like it and make you more comfortable visiting my blog. I also promise to work harder in updating my blog, and to fill it with things that are more useful.

Well, thank you for visiting, guys. If you please, leave a comment on my blog. Is it good or bad. What do you like and what needs to be improved. Leave your blog address as well so that I could do the same on your blog. Or leave a message on my chat-box. I will reply to all questions or criticisms and suggestions that you provide.

Happy blogging, all! :)

Love, Meela xx.

2 komentar:

  1. waa...aku juga jadi pengen ikutan ngeblog...hhe
    tp klo uda didepan laptop tu jadi bingung mo nulis yang mana dulu ya mil?

    so,as a beginner,,may i ask you,,how to be a good blogger?hhe

    thank's ^.^

  2. ayo Cha..
    ngeblog itu sangat bermanfaat lo Cha..
    baik bagi diri sendiri maupun orang lain..
    dari pada nganggur di rumah..
    mending waktunya diisi dgn blogging, atau blog walking..

    err, how to be a good blogger?
    I think I'm still not a really good blogger..
    kadang-kadang aku juga ninggalin blogku dalam waktu yang lama karena kesibukan di dunia nyata..
    kalo saranku, jangan pernah biarin blognya nganggur dalam waktu lebih dr 1 bulan. terus, kalo mau trafficnya tinggi, tulis hal-hal yang lagi in pada hari itu. pasti visitorsnya langsung meningkat drastis. :)
    kalo masih belum pede, oke lah kalo isinya curhat dulu, seenggaknya kasih 1 hikmah yang kamu dapet dari kejadian yang kamu curhatin cha. :)
    gitu menurutku, gmn menurutmu cha?


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