Kamis, 09 Juni 2011

Soil Survey and Land Evaluation - It Teaches Me So Much Things

Remember about Fieldwork I wrote on my old posts? Today is like the end of that Fieldwork.

First, I thought, today would be the hardest day on this semester.
It's because today was the day my team and I presented our fieldwork's report.
But, it was so fun today.
Our presentation was so far from what we imagined. It's cool! :D
Honestly, I don't really understand the subject, but it teaches me so much things.
Not only about "Soil Survey and Land Evaluation", but also about teamwork (read: friendship)

STELAS's fierce-looking assistants look very friendly and nice today. I don't know why, but, I hope it's not temporary or only a fake. I hope they were being nice because they want to be nice. I think they all are nice, anyway.

And after our presentation today, my expenses seemed to fade away. Yes, this is not the real ending. And, it could be the beginning of the new adventures. But it can't bring me down!

Coming soon..
- Final lab exam Seed Production Technology (UAP Teknologi Produksi Benih),
- Agroecosystem Managemen Fieldtrip Presentation (Presentasi Manajemen Agroekosistem),
- Final lab exam Soil Survey and Land Evaluation (UAP Survei Tanah dan Evaluasi Lahan),
- and so on.

Fight for the best!

Love, Meela xx. :)

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